
We are so thrilled to be working on this project because we feel it is much-needed in the museum field, however, there are many costs associated with the production of a podcast (i.e., website hosting, equipment, honoraria for guests). Additionally, we both spend a great deal of time outside of our normal jobs working to bring you well-researched and engaging content. We are so grateful for your support. Kaqʰina’š/Pesa mu!

Become a monthly supporter through Patreon by clinking below.

If you are interested in making a one-time donation or partnering with us to do on-air advertising, send us a message by clicking the button below.

You can also support by making a small one-time donation to the hosts via Venmo.

Meranda Venmo: @merrandi6

Felicia Venmo: @felicia-garcia-2